Student partners have the entire organization behind them. 222 Foundation mentors help future Christian ministry leaders grow in skill and confidence, become more resilient, deepen spiritual walks, and become leaders of leaders.



For New Applicants:

The Application Period is open for Dallas Theological Seminary, Moody Theological Seminary, and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School students who are pursuing a calling to Pastoral or Missional Ministry.

For New Applicants:

The Application Period is closed and will reopen on November 1st, 2024.

The application period for DTS, MTS, and TEDS students will close on May 1, 2024.

By Invitation Only:

Step 2 Application


Application by Invitation

Current Student Partners:

Renewal Application


Next Renewals are Due January 15, 2024

Step 1: Written application

222 Foundation will review your application and invite eligible candidates to Step 2.

Step 2: Personal interview

222 Foundation will contact you to schedule a personal interview and request additional information including finances and references.

Join the program

Accepted students will be thoughtfully matched with a mentor, receive scholarship funds, and be onboarded into the program.

Emily Bodjanac

“222 Foundation has been a well-timed gift to encourage my ministry in very practical ways.”

– Emily B.


“Because of my experience with my mentor, Jim, I want to pure into more leaders in the future

– George A.

Gabe Puopolo

“222 Foundation is a bridge between academics and real life. People think seminarians are spiritually cared for, but that isn’t always the case. This kind of mentorship is difficult to find and the blessings that come with it are invaluable.

– Gabe P.


What is the goal of the 222 Foundation?

The 222 Foundation is a 501(c)3 public charity that exists to help future Christian ministry leaders.

  1. Stay in the Ministry
  2. Flourish in the Ministry
  3. Ultimately, they become leaders by instilling a culture of mentorship through the Ministry.
Is the 222 foundation tied to a specific denomination?

No. 222 Foundation is a non-denominational, Christ-centered nonprofit organization that works in collaboration with many different denominations.

222 Foundation does subscribe to the National Association of Evangelicals Statement of Faith and expects our student partners and seminaries to be in alignment with that Statement.

How do you find mentors?

As a newer organization, we initially identified prospective mentors based upon the people that our staff and board knew directly.

Our second stage was to partner with churches to develop an ‘ecosystem’. In this case, the church provided an opportunity for the student to serve while one of the pastors or elders played the role of mentor; and 222 provided guidance and coaching to the mentor.

In our third stage, we have discovered that our current mentors have such a passion for the role that they proactively ‘nominate’ others they believe would be qualified and passionate. In our fourth stage, we’ve found that many of our loyal investors apply to be mentors.

As we grow larger, we welcome you to consider becoming a mentor. If you’re interested in learning more or applying, please send us your contact information.

What qualifications must a candidate have to participate as a student partner?

222 Foundation partners with students who are:

  1. Followers of Jesus Christ
  2. Accepted into a graduate- or doctoral-level program at one of 222 Foundation’s partner seminaries
  3. Called to long-term vocational ministry
  4. In need of financial assistance

The minimum criteria for acceptance and continued participation in the 222 program are:

  • At least 6 credit hours per semester
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
What is the typical scholarship amount provided to student partners?

Scholarships are in the range of $3,000 – $10,000 per year. Scholarships will typically begin at the lower end of that range and escalate each year as the student demonstrates personal investment and progress in the mentorship program.

With which seminaries does 222 Foundation partner?

The 222 Foundation currently partners with students enrolled at:

  1. Dallas Theological Seminary
  2. Moody Theological Seminary
  3. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  4. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
What does a typical mentoring relationship look like between a 222 foundation mentor and student?

The role of a mentor is both biblical and foundational to the raising up of leaders within the church and the advancement of the Kingdom of God. 222 Foundation’s Mentorship Program is aimed at coming alongside those pursuing theological studies and building a relationship with them that will be focused on helping the student apply the truth of Scripture to all of life and ministry.

Mentorship is not only about intentionally investing in the spiritual growth of the student, but also an effective means for imparting essential skills for ministry. In these ways, 222 Foundation mentors provide the practical guidelines and training through a highly personalized relationship with each student. As the President of Wheaton College, Dr. Phil Ryken observed, “Seminary can teach you about half the things you need to learn for ministry and the other has to be learned through experience and the church.” Mentors will provide biblical resources and guidance to better equip each student for fruitful vocational ministry.

The mentorship will typically include:

  • Twice a month meetings between the mentor and mentee.
  • Prayer time and encouragement between each mentor and mentee.
Can I apply to be a 222 mentor?

The 222 Foundation is accepting applications for volunteer mentors! Upon submission of your application, the application will be reviewed by our Board and you’ll be contacted for a face-to-face interview, if appropriate.

What are the qualifications of a 222 mentor?

222 Mentors are experienced leaders – business, professions, academia, ministry, and nonprofit – with a deep love for Kingdom work.

  • Have led people, teams, organizations
  • Faithful follower of Christ
  • Personal characteristics that align with 222’s “listen and nudge” mentoring approach. These typically include humility, active listening, and high emotional intelligence.
What does 222 foundation mean by “mentoring”?

Mentor is an inherently “fuzzy” word; it means different things to different people. A man with teenage sons will talk about mentoring them into adulthood. A mature believer discipling a new believer will talk about mentoring them spiritually. A business professional working with a more junior staff member will talk about mentoring their career advancement. A football coach mentors his staff in his philosophy.

222 Mentorship is at once all of those things and none of them. Here’s 222’s definition of mentorship:

  • We work with future Christian ministry leaders so that they can: Avoid the predictable pitfalls of ministry life
  • Sustain a healthy and successful ministry for the long term, and
  • Become leaders of leaders as they mentor other future leaders over time.
How much does mentoring cost?

222 Mentorship is a gift to our student partners.

However, the value of 222 mentorships can be measured by comparable programs, which typically charge over $100/hour. We estimate that our mentors will volunteer over $70,000 of their own time over the coming academic year. Thanks to our mentors and generous donors, we can offer this personalized mentorship to our student partners at no charge.

Many of our student partners report that this mentorship was the gift they didn’t know they needed.

How do you find mentors?

As a newer organization, we initially identified prospective mentors based upon the people that our staff and board knew directly.

Our second stage was to partner with churches to develop an ‘ecosystem’. In this case, the church provided an opportunity for the student to serve while one of the pastors or elders played the role of mentor; and 222 provided guidance and coaching to the mentor.

In our third stage we have discovered that our current mentors have such a passion for the role that they proactively ‘nominate’ others they believe would be qualified and passionate. In our fourth stage, we’ve found that many of our loyal investors apply to be mentors.

As we grow larger, we welcome you to consider becoming a mentor. If you’re interested in learning more or applying, please send us your contact information. 

What qualifications must a candidate have to participate as a student partner?

222 Foundation partners with students who are:

  1. Followers of Jesus Christ
  2. Accepted into a graduate- or doctoral-level program at one of 222 Foundation’s partner seminaries
  3. Called to long-term vocational ministry
  4. In need of financial assistance

The minimum criteria for acceptance and continued participation in the 222 program are:

  • At least 6 credit hours per semester
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0
What Is the typical scholarship amount provided to student partners?

Scholarships are in the range of $3,000 – $10,000 per year. Scholarships will typically begin at the lower end of that range and escalate each year as the student demonstrates personal investment and progress in the mentorship program.

With which seminaries does 222 Foundation partner?

The 222 Foundation currently partners with students enrolled at:

  1. Dallas Theological Seminary
  2. Moody Theological Seminary
  3. Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
  4. Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Can I have a scholarship without a mentor?

222 Foundation’s mission is to enable future ministry leaders to stay in the ministry, flourish in the ministry and, ultimately, instill a culture of mentorship in the ministry. The evidence is strong that financial support alone will rarely produce those outcomes. Therefore, we invite students to participate in the combination of scholarship and mentorship.

What are the key dates for student applications?

222 Foundation invites candidates to apply for the fall semester of each year. While the particular dates will change slightly from year to year:

  • Online application deadline – April 1
  • Personal interviews – May 15
  • Decisions announced – June 1
  • Onboarding– June 15
  • Mentorship Launch – September 1
In what other activities do 222 student partners participate?

222 Foundation’s programs are designed to help future leaders stay in ministry and flourish. In addition to scholarship and mentorship, 222 encourages student partners to participate in:

  • Semester launch dinners. Every January and August, we bring all the students and mentors together for a time of fellowship, discussion, and learning.
  • Events attended by 222 Foundation supporters. These include our annual golf outing and dinner banquet. We also occasionally host smaller events of 15-20 people where supporters are invited to get to know mentors and student partners on a personal level.
  • Periodic debriefs with 222’s Program Manager. These provide an opportunity for 222 to learn more about ways to improve the mentorship program and provide a more enriching experience over time.
  • Producing content. Students are encouraged to share their stories and how they’re growing. These may be published on social media, our website, and blog posts.
How do you find mentors?

As a newer organization, we initially identified prospective mentors based upon the people that our staff and board knew directly. Our second stage was to partner with churches to develop an ‘ecosystem’. In this case, the church provided an opportunity for the student to serve while one of the pastors or elders played the role of mentor; and 222 provided guidance and coaching to the mentor. In our third stage we have discovered that our current mentors have such a passion for the role that they proactively ‘nominate’ others they believe would be qualified and passionate. In our fourth stage, we’ve found that many of our loyal investors apply to be mentors.

As we grow larger, we welcome you to consider becoming a mentor. If you’re interested in learning more or applying, please send us your contact information. 

Currently, the 222 Foundation volunteer mentors must, at least, have the following qualifications:

  • Are a follower of Jesus Christ.
  • Are a member or regular attender* of a local church.
  • Are in agreement with the 222 Statement of Faith.
  • Are at least 25 years old.
  • Commit to a minimum one year term with your assigned student(s).
  • Honor the time commitment:
    • Primary Mentors:  Meet a minimum of twice a month for a 90-minute session.
    • Subject Matter Experts:  Variable time commitment.
  • Are in consistent contact with students and respond promptly when questions are asked or wisdom is sought out.
  • Communicate regularly with the 222 leadership team about how things are going and what is being discussed (either by phone, email, or in person).
  • Attend an initial training orientation and at least one additional training session each year.
  • Cover the 222 Foundation required curriculum with the student.
In what other activities do 222 mentors participate?

222 Foundation’s programs are designed to help future leaders stay in ministry and flourish. In addition to providing a student one-on-one personalized mentorship, 222 encourages mentors to participate in:

  • Mentoring Forum. These are scheduled each month for 1.5 hours where mentors come together for training and discussion to help improve our collective ability to mentor students well. All mentors are encouraged to participate in at least one Mentoring Forum per quarter.
  • Periodic debriefs with 222’s Program Manager. These provide an opportunity for 222 to learn more about ways to improve the mentorship program and provide a more enriching experience over time.
  • Events attended by 222 Foundation supporters. These include our annual golf outing and dinner banquet. We also occasionally host smaller events of 15-20 people where supporters are invited to get to know mentors and student partners on a personal level.
  • Semester launch dinners. Every January and August, we bring all the students and mentors together for a time of fellowship, discussion, and learning.
What if I don’t have time to be a mentor, but I still want to get involved and help the students grow?

222 works with both ‘primary mentors’ and ‘subject matter experts’. Primary mentors have the main relationship with the student. They will frequently involve ‘subject matter experts’ to participate in their conversations when they feel the student would benefit from an expert on a particular topic. Our subject matter experts provide topical expertise on such areas as: personal finance, organizational finance, marriage, leadership development, elder boards, launching/managing a 501c3, worship service, preaching, military chaplaincy and many others.

What does a typical mentoring relationship look like between a 222 foundation mentor and student?

The role of a mentor is both biblical and foundational to the raising up of leaders within the church and the advancement of the Kingdom of God. 222 Foundation’s Mentorship Program is aimed at coming alongside those pursuing theological studies and building a relationship with them that will be focused on helping the student apply the truth of Scripture to all of life and ministry.

Mentorship is not only about intentionally investing in the spiritual growth of the student but also an effective means for imparting essential skills for ministry. In these ways, 222 Foundation mentors provide the practical guidelines and training through a highly personalized relationship with each student. As the President of Wheaton College, Dr. Phil Ryken observed, “Seminary can teach you about half the things you need to learn for ministry and the other has to be learned through experience and the church.” Mentors will provide biblical resources and guidance to better equip each student for fruitful vocational ministry.

  • The mentorship will typically include:
    • Twice a month meetings between the mentor and mentee.
    • Prayer time and encouragement between each mentor and mentee.
Can I apply to be a 222 mentor?

The 222 Foundation is accepting applications for volunteer mentors! Upon submission of your application, the application will be reviewed by our Board and you’ll be contacted for a face-to-face interview, if appropriate.

Is there a process or curriculum that 222 mentors follow?

We have found the most effective way to elevate the true gifts (2 Timothy 1:6) of a future ministry leader is to work with them in a highly personalized manner. Therefore, our approach emphasizes frameworks and approaches that help mentors to“listen and nudge”. Mentors are encouraged to attend 222’s monthly Mentoring Forum as frequently as possible. The Mentoring Forum is a private, directed discussion that fosters methodological training as well as peer-to- peer coaching.

What are the qualifications of a 222 mentor?

222 Mentors are experienced leaders – business, professions, academia, ministry, nonprofit – with a deep love for Kingdom work.

  • Have led people, teams, organizations
  • Faithful follower of Christ
  • Personal characteristics that align with 222’s “listen and nudge” mentoring approach. These typically include humility, active listening, and high emotional intelligence.
What does 222 foundation mean by “mentoring”?

Mentor is an inherently “fuzzy” word; it means different things to different people. A man with teenage sons will talk about mentoring them into adulthood. A mature believer discipling a new believer will talk about mentoring them spiritually. A business professional working with a more junior staff member will talk about mentoring their career advancement. A football coach mentors his staff in his philosophy.

222 Mentorship is at once all of those things and none of them. Here’s 222’s definition of mentorship:

We work with future Christian ministry leaders so that they can:

  • Avoid the predictable pitfalls of ministry life
  • Sustain a healthy and successful ministry for the long term, and
  • Become leaders of leaders as they mentor other future leaders over time
How much does mentoring cost?

222 Mentorship is a gift to our student partners.

However, the value of 222 mentorship can be measured by comparable programs, which typically charge over $100/hour. We estimate that our mentors will volunteer over $70,000 of their own time over the coming academic year. Thanks to our mentors and generous donors, we are able to offer this personalized mentorship to our student partners at no charge.

Many of our student partners report that this mentorship was the gift they didn’t know they needed.