You Made George’s Graduation Possible

Together, we are launching resilient, healthy Christian ministry leaders who enter ministry—and stay there. You are funding scholarships and one-on-one mentorship to enable these future leaders to flourish in ministry long-term.

222 Foundation student partner George Aidoo recently graduated from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with a Masters in Divinity degree. Free from seminary debt and isolation, George is ready to fulfill his calling and influence even more leaders for generations to come. Because of you, he is ready to enter ministry in a way that makes him significantly more likely to stay and bear fruit.

Two years ago, George found 222 Foundation at a critical time. “My wife, Emily, was having severe health issues and needed a liver transplant,” he says. ”I had a full class load and was trying to care for our 5-year-old son. It was beyond difficult. I remember thinking, “How am I going to survive seminary?”

Your partnership provided critical funds for George to continue his studies
and be matched with a mentor—a church leader, Jim.

“I am blessed to have helped George continue down the path God called him to,” says Jim. “I believe George was one of the reasons God called me into church ministry 25 years ago. He planned for us to meet.”

George will soon begin a pastoral residency at First Evangelical Free Church in Wichita, Kansas. They plan to partner with George to plant churches and provide basic medical care and water in western Ghana. George has already started to develop a team.

Join us in celebrating George, praying for his ministry, and praising God for all He is doing through your involvement in 222 Foundation.

Together, We Can Equip the Next Generation of Christian Leaders

The 222 Foundation is enabling students like Lauren to stay in the ministry and flourish. Discover how you can help us invest in each of our partner students’ healthy and sustainable launch into the ministry.